1-a The Society for Regenerative Hard Tissue Biology Summary



1-b The rule of the society



1-c. An organization chart, A share of the office, A list of members



1-d Schedule of Publication of The Journal of Hard Tissue Biology





1-a The Society of Hard Tissue Regenerative Biology Summary












      To research on hard tissue and related gene structure, interchange the information          



about research technology and its development and promote friendship among the members



Number of the members




       Active member 345 (Annual dues; Active member 7,000yen, Student 5,000yen



Supporting member




       15 groups (Annual dues; 20,000yen) Company, Library 11groups (at March, 2001)







                   President Kichibee Otsuka




                   Vice president Kiyoshi Ohura








Main office (Registration)




                  Nihon Gakujutsu Foundation Toshiaki Takayama




                  TEL : 03-5410-0242 FAX : 03-5410-1822








     Department of Oral Health Sciences, Nihon University School of Dentistry



     Masao Maeno




     TEL : 03-3219-8118  FAX : 03-3219-8138  

E-mail: maeno@dent.nihon-u.ac.jp




Editorial office




     Address of Submission:




     Jose Vreven 




               University of Catholic Louvain, Belgium




Managing Editor:




     Tohru Takagi




                    905,1-10-11 Sekiguchi, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo, 112-0014



                    Fax. 03-3268-6397     E-mail : jhtb@hill.dti.ne.jp



Supporting member office




    Shu Tanaka




                   Dept.of Anatomy1st, School of Dentistry, Tsurumi Univ.



                   TEL: 045-581-1001(EXT 3349) FAX: 045-573-9599




General Meeting




    Chairman : Kichibee Otsuka, Nihon University School of Dentistry



                   Once a year




                   20th Meeting of the Society of Hard Tissue Biology







                   Journal of Hard Tissue Biology




                   2-3 / year (English version 3 times) p.110 / a year, 500 copies







                  Hard Tissue Biology Award




                  Distinguished Scientist Award in Hard Tissue biology



International exchange in publishin




                  Sending of the journal 180copies 50countries 180 institutions



Scientific Registration




                  Nihon Gakujutsu Kaigi ( 21 May ,2000)




                  18th Gakujutsu Kenkyu Group(4th section)



                  Association of Gene Biological Researcher






Letter from President











Letter from the Japanese Society of Hard Tissue Research & Technology



    An International Information Network for Research in Hard Tissue Biology








The Journal of Hard Tissue Biology provides an interdisciplinary and international forum for original research



on hard tissues and related cells, and their biological functions.



The subject should be related to the synthesis, structure or function of the matrix macromolecules, the



relationships among the matrix components or the interactions of cells.



Suitable background disciplines include structural, molecular, computational or cellular biology,



immunohistochemistry, crystallography, macromolecular chemistry and gene technology.



It is our aim to publish articles that are scientifically rigorous, timely and at the forefront of the field.




Publication will in most instances be no longer than 6 months following acceptance.



The journal will also publish invited articles on selected topics.



Proceedings and abstracts of international meetings devoted largely to the extracellular matrix and celluar



biology will be considered for publication as special issues.



The Joumal is published by the Japanese Society of Hard Tissue Research & Technology twice a year.




The circulation is now about 1,000 for each volume.





Articles from overseas scientists are encouraged with the page charges being waivered.





Overseas investigators are also invited to submit papers for oral presentation at the annual meetings of our






The 11th meeting are held in Tokyo, 2002.



Further information may be obtained from any of the officers listed on the final page or from the Society






It is my dream that an international network of hard tissue researchers will be formed under the guidance of



this society.







